
How to find domain names of sources at Clickaine platform

One of the most important secret ingredients in affiliate marketing is campaign optimization. Most often, affiliates begin to implement it already at the moment when a lot of money has been spent and no results have been obtained.

In most cases, they start with closed eyes – without a clear understanding of how to connect traffic sources, offers, landing pages, and ads.

Everyone has their own approach to testing campaigns and their profitability. But today we will show you one feature of our platform, which will increase your efficiency and definitely will help you bring a positive ROI.

Now, our affiliates will be able to see all domain names of sources in the ad campaigns with full statistics including views, clicks, CTR, Bid, and CPM metrics.

Aso, on the same page possible, to add the selected domain to the white or blacklist. 

Where to find domain names at the Clickaine platform?

After launching the ad campaign on the page “campaigns” click to the tab “sources” and select the needed ad campaign.
Now you could see a list of sources, statistics about conversions.

Hope that this feature will make your life easier and your business more profitable. 

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