December 23, 2020

How to find domain names of sources at Clickaine platform

One of the most important secret ingredients in affiliate marketing is campaign optimization. Most often, affiliates begin to implement it already at the moment when a lot of money has been spent and no results have been obtained. In most…

December 3, 2020

Why you should set up postback tracking at the Clickaine platform

Hey, guys! I’m Denis, Advertiser Account Manager at Clickaine. My job is to take care of your campaigns and effectively optimize the performance of your promoted offers.  Today I will tell you more about postback and why you should use…

December 3, 2020

Individual customization of widget styles for the publisher’s website

When you are willing to place spots for Native advertising on your website it is essential to make the ad zone not stand out from the overall page design to make it the MOST  cost-effective. Such kind of ad should…

November 5, 2020

Safe and secure advertising delivered by Clickaine

Safety is at the core of Clickaine's business approach, so our mission is to provide a high level of protection and security for our partners. Recently we implemented 3 steps of moderation, such as: Manual Moderation: we constantly check creatives…

November 4, 2020

Apply the Selective Bidding Strategy into your Ad Campaign

The Clickaine team is constantly putting efforts to improve Clickaine’s platform and features that are available in order to solve the pains of their advertisers.  One of the main issues for our affiliates is how to optimize ad campaigns and…